Corrupting the Image - Douglas Hamp

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Corrupting the Image - Douglas Hamp
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Books : Educational : English

Something ominous is coming upon the world: it is Satan's final effort in the battle to destroy the image that man was created in, which has been raging since the beginning of time. If Satan can destroy the image, then he can avert his own destruction. The prophecy of Genesis 3:15 states the serpent will one day mix his seed with humanity as a counterfeit of the Messiah. Jesus told us that the last days will be like the days of Noah when fallen angels mixed their seed with humanity. In the Book of Daniel we read that ?they? will again mingle with the seed of men. How so? Satan will use man's desire to be his own god to deceive him into believing the ultimate lie ? that his fallen messengers are both the creators and saviors of man. He will not do this openly but will deceive mankind through demons which are masquerading as ?aliens? who are spreading the message that the inhabitants of the earth can evolve to be like them and obtain transcendent powers. Finally, the seed of the Serpent will come; he will be a man who will be greater than his fellows, who will understand sinister schemes and shall rise up and become the Antichrist. That day of fulfillment is nearly upon us!

About the author:
Douglas Hamp graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with an M.A. in the Hebrew Bible and Its World where he specialized in ancient languages including Biblical Hebrew and Greek. He served as an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa for six years, where he lectured and developed curriculum at the School of Ministry, Spanish School of Ministry and Calvary Chapel Bible College Graduate School. He is the author of Discovering the Language of Jesus, The First Six Days Corrupting the Image, and the Millennium Chronicles, as well as numerous articles, and DVD presentations. He lectures frequently on biblical languages, creationism and End-Times Bible Prophecy in the United States and internationally in English and Spanish. His linguistic insights have made him a sought after speaker at conferences with thousands in attendance as well as a guest on radio shows with millions of listeners such as Coast to Coast and Southwest Radio and TV such as Prophecy in the News. Douglas is a committed follower of Yeshua (Jesus).


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