FPS Monitor Build 4400

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Torrent Size : 11.52 MB

FPS Monitor Build 4400
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Torrent File Content (5 files)

FPS Monitor Build 4400
    FPS Monitor
          FPSMonitor Launcher.exe -
2.93 MB

          lang/en-US.txt -
8.02 KB

          lang/ru-RU.txt -
11.3 KB

     FPS_Monitor-4400).exe -
8.57 MB

     Torrent_downloaded_from_Demonoid_-_www.demonoid.pw_.txt -
59 bytes


Applications : Windows : English
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FPS Monitor monitors the status of your computer's components and displays this information directly on top of the game screen.
You no longer need to switch from the game to the desktop or connect a second monitor to monitor the status of the iron. All the necessary figures will be shown to you by FPS Monitor in the game overlay.
Additional Information:
• Processor, video card, memory, ...
FPS Monitor polls almost all the systems involved in the game and somehow affects your perception of the game and, as a consequence, the pleasure of the game.
The program will show you what is heavier in the game - the processor or video card. And, maybe, a hard disk is a problematic place? Or even a network card?
• Flexible display settings
You can choose a font, sizes, styles, colors, options for rendering sensor values. Of course, you can turn any sensor on or off. In other words, you can maximally adjust the overlay for you, so that it pleases the eye and does not interfere.
Do not want to keep all the data in one place? No problem - just add one or more overlays and include only those sensors that you need.
• To enthusiasts and professionals
FPS Monitor can not only show real-time data on top of the game, but also collect statistics for a certain period of time and write it to a file for further analysis.
Fans of the overclocker will be satisfied with the opportunity to receive a warning in time to exceed the maximum temperature of the "object".
1. We install by running the file FPS_Monitor-4400.exe
2. In the folder with the installed program, I perform the replacement of files from the distribution along the path ... FPS Monitor lang
3. Copy the FPSMonitor Launcher.exe file to the root of the program's root
4. Run the launch from the FPSMonitor Launcher.exe file! (Otherwise, it will not be possible to remove the Watermark)
5. When starting the program, first select "Try demo version", and after loading the interface, click "Disable Watermark"
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